
@interface NSFileManager (KSTExtensions)

 Returns the NSURL instance representing the application support directory, creating the directory if it does not exist. On macOS, appends the bundle executable name to the returned URL (e.g. <application_support>/<bundle_executable>).
 @return The application support NSURL instance
- (NSURL *)KST_applicationSupportDirectoryURL;
 Returns the NSURL instance representing the caches directory. On macOS, appends the bundle identifier to the returned URL (e.g. <caches>/<bundle_identifier>) and creates the directory if it does not already exist. On iOS, the base caches directory will always exist.
 @return The caches NSURL instance
- (NSURL *)KST_cachesDirectoryURL;
 Returns the NSURL instance representing the document directory.
 @return The document NSURL instance
- (NSURL *)KST_documentDirectoryURL;



  • Returns the NSURL instance representing the application support directory, creating the directory if it does not exist. On macOS, appends the bundle executable name to the returned URL (e.g. /).



    - (nonnull NSURL *)KST_applicationSupportDirectoryURL;

    Return Value

    The application support NSURL instance

  • Returns the NSURL instance representing the caches directory. On macOS, appends the bundle identifier to the returned URL (e.g. /) and creates the directory if it does not already exist. On iOS, the base caches directory will always exist.



    - (nonnull NSURL *)KST_cachesDirectoryURL;

    Return Value

    The caches NSURL instance

  • Returns the NSURL instance representing the document directory.



    - (nonnull NSURL *)KST_documentDirectoryURL;

    Return Value

    The document NSURL instance