
The following categories are available globally.

  • Adds support for KSTDeepCopying to NSArray.

    See more



    @interface NSArray <__covariant ObjectType>(KSTDeepCopyingExtensions)
  • Adds support for KSTDeepCopying to NSSet.

    See more



    @interface NSSet <__covariant ObjectType>(KSTDeepCopyingExtensions)
  • Adds support for KSTDeepCopying to NSDictionary.

    See more



    @interface NSDictionary <__covariant KeyType,
                             __covariant ObjectType>(KSTDeepCopyingExtensions)
  • Adds support for KSTDeepMutableCopying to NSArray.

    See more



    @interface NSArray <__covariant ObjectType>(KSTDeepMutableCopyingExtensions)
  • Adds support for KSTDeepMutableCopying to NSSet.

    See more



    @interface NSSet <__covariant ObjectType>(KSTDeepMutableCopyingExtensions)
  • Adds support for KSTDeepMutableCopying to NSDictionary.

    See more



    @interface NSDictionary <__covariant KeyType, __covariant ObjectType>(
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSCharacterSet (KSTPhoneNumberFormatterExtensions)
     The complete set of characters KSTPhoneNumberFormatter allows in formatted string representations of phone numbers.
    @property (class,readonly,nonatomic) NSCharacterSet *KST_phoneNumberFormattedCharacterSet;
     The complete set of characters that affect the routing of the phone number. This is defined as @"0123456789" + @"abcdABCD+*#".
    @property (class,readonly,nonatomic) NSCharacterSet *KST_phoneNumberRoutingCharacterSet;
     The decimal digits allowed in phone numbers. This is defined as @"0123456789".
    @property (class,readonly,nonatomic) NSCharacterSet *KST_phoneNumberDecimalCharacterSet;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSArray<__covariant ObjectType> (KSTExtensions)
     Creates and returns an NSArray with the receiver's objects in reverse order.
     @return The reversed array
    - (NSArray<ObjectType> *)KST_reversedArray;
     Create and return an array by appending *object* onto the receiver.
     @param object The object to append
     @return The new array
    - (NSArray<ObjectType> *)KST_arrayByAppendingObject:(ObjectType)object;
     Creates and returns an array by appending the objects from array onto the receiver.
     @param array The objects to append
     @return The new array
    - (NSArray<ObjectType> *)KST_arrayByAppendingArray:(NSArray<ObjectType> *)array;
     Create and return an array by prepending *object* onto the receiver.
     @param object The object to prepend
     @return The new array
    - (NSArray<ObjectType> *)KST_arrayByPrependingObject:(ObjectType)object;
     Creates and returns an array by prepending the objects from array onto the receiver.
     @param array The objects to prepend
     @return The new array
    - (NSArray<ObjectType> *)KST_arrayByPrependingArray:(NSArray<ObjectType> *)array;
     Create and return an array by removing the objects in the provided *array*.
     @param array The objects to remove
     @return The new array
    - (NSArray<ObjectType> *)KST_arrayByRemovingArray:(NSArray<ObjectType> *)array;
     Creates and returns an NSArray with the receiver's objects.
     @return The NSSet created from the receiver
    - (NSSet<ObjectType> *)KST_set;
     Creates and returns an NSMutableSet with the receiver's objects.
     @return The NSMutableSet created from the receiver
    - (NSMutableSet<ObjectType> *)KST_mutableSet;
     Returns an NSOrderedSet with the receiver's objects.
     @return The NSOrderedSet
    - (NSOrderedSet<ObjectType> *)KST_orderedSet;
     Returns an NSMutableOrderedSet with the receiver's objects.
     @return The NSMutableOrderedSet
    - (NSMutableOrderedSet<ObjectType> *)KST_mutableOrderedSet;
     Creates and returns a shuffled copy of the receiver.
     @return The shuffled NSArray
    - (NSArray<ObjectType> *)KST_shuffledArray;
     Returns the object at a random index in the receiver.
     @return The random object
    - (nullable ObjectType)KST_objectAtRandomIndex;
     Returns the object at the provided *index* if *index* is within the receiver's bounds, otherwise returns nil.
     @param index The array index
     @return The object or nil
    - (nullable ObjectType)KST_safeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSBundle (KSTExtensions)
     Returns the current bundle based on the calling context. For example, if you call this property within a framework, it will return the framework bundle. If you call this property in the main app, it will return the main bundle.
    @property (class,readonly,nonatomic) NSBundle *KST_currentBundle;
     Returns the bundle identifier. For example, "".
     @return The bundle identifier
    - (NSString *)KST_bundleIdentifier;
     Returns the bundle display name. For example, "App". This value is localized.
     @return The bundle display name
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_bundleDisplayName;
     Returns the bundle executable. For example, "App". This value is not localized.
     @return The bundle executable
    - (NSString *)KST_bundleExecutable;
     Returns the bundle short version string. For example, "1.0.0".
     @return The bundle short version string
    - (NSString *)KST_bundleShortVersionString;
     Returns the bundle version. For example, "1".
     @return The bundle version
    - (NSString *)KST_bundleVersion;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSCharacterSet (KSTExtensions)
     Returns an array containing every string in the receiver.
    @property (readonly,copy,nonatomic) NSArray<NSString *> *KST_allStrings;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSData (KSTExtensions)
     Creates and returns an NSString representing the SHA1 hash of the receiver's bytes.
     @return The NSString hash
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_SHA1String;
     Creates and returns an NSString representing the SHA256 hash of the receiver's bytes.
     @return The NSString hash
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_SHA256String;
     Creates and returns an NSString representing the SHA512 hash of the receiver's bytes.
     @return The NSString hash
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_SHA512String;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSDate (KSTExtensions)
     Returns the day component from a NSDateComponents created from the receiver.
     @return The day of the receiver
    - (NSInteger)KST_day;
     Returns the month component from a NSDateComponents created from the receiver.
     @return The month of the receiver
    - (NSInteger)KST_month;
     Returns the year component from a NSDateComponents created from the receiver.
     @return The year of the receiver
    - (NSInteger)KST_year;
     Returns a NSDate representing the beginning of the day, which is 12:00:00 AM.
     @return The beginning of the day date
    - (NSDate *)KST_beginningOfDay;
     Returns a NSDate representing the end of the day, which is 11:59:59 PM.
     @return The end of the day date
    - (NSDate *)KST_endOfDay;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSDictionary<__covariant KeyType, __covariant ObjectType> (KSTExtensions)
     Returns a new dictionary by adding the entries from *dictionary* to the receiver.
     @param dictionary The dictionary whose entries should be added
     @return The new dictionary
    - (NSDictionary<KeyType, ObjectType> *)KST_dictionaryByAddingDictionaryEntries:(NSDictionary<KeyType, ObjectType> *)dictionary;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSError (KSTExtensions)
     Returns the default alert title.
    @property (class,readonly,nonatomic) NSString *KST_defaultAlertTitle;
     Returns the default alert message.
    @property (class,readonly,nonatomic) NSString *KST_defaultAlertMessage;
     Returns the value for the KSTErrorAlertTitleKey key in the receiver's userInfo dictionary if non-nil, otherwise returns KST_defaultAlertTitle.
     @return The alert title
    @property (readonly,nonatomic) NSString *KST_alertTitle;
     Returns the value for the KSTErrorAlertMessageKey key in the receiver's userInfo dictionary if non-nil, then the value for the NSLocalizedDescriptionKey key, then KST_defaultAlertMessage.
     @return The alert message
    @property (readonly,nonatomic) NSString *KST_alertMessage;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSFileManager (KSTExtensions)
     Returns the NSURL instance representing the application support directory, creating the directory if it does not exist. On macOS, appends the bundle executable name to the returned URL (e.g. <application_support>/<bundle_executable>).
     @return The application support NSURL instance
    - (NSURL *)KST_applicationSupportDirectoryURL;
     Returns the NSURL instance representing the caches directory. On macOS, appends the bundle identifier to the returned URL (e.g. <caches>/<bundle_identifier>) and creates the directory if it does not already exist. On iOS, the base caches directory will always exist.
     @return The caches NSURL instance
    - (NSURL *)KST_cachesDirectoryURL;
     Returns the NSURL instance representing the document directory.
     @return The document NSURL instance
    - (NSURL *)KST_documentDirectoryURL;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSHTTPURLResponse (KSTExtensions)
     Returns the localized description returned by `[NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode]`.
     @return The localized description
    - (NSString *)KST_localizedStatusCodeString;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSMutableArray<ObjectType> (KSTExtensions)
     If self.count > 0, removes the first object in the receiver; otherwise does nothing.
    - (void)KST_removeFirstObject;
     Reverses the objects of the receiver. This is distinct from KST_reversedArray, which returns a new array.
    - (void)KST_reverse;
     Adds *object* to the end of the receiver. Simply calls addObject:.
     @param object The object to add
    - (void)KST_appendObject:(ObjectType)object;
     Adds the objects in *array* to the end of the receiver. Simply calls addObjectsFromArray:.
     @param array The objects to add
    - (void)KST_appendArray:(NSArray<ObjectType> *)array;
     Adds the *object* to the beginning of the receiver (i.e. index 0).
     @param object The object to add
    - (void)KST_prependObject:(ObjectType)object;
     Adds the objects in *array* to the beginning of the receiver (i.e. starting at index 0).
     @param array The objects to add
    - (void)KST_prependArray:(NSArray<ObjectType> *)array;
     Inserts _object_ at index 0 of the receiver.
     @param object The object to insert
    - (void)KST_push:(ObjectType)object;
     Removes the first object of the receiver and returns it.
     @return The first object of the receiver or nil
    - (nullable ObjectType)KST_pop;
     Shuffles the receiver. See for implementation reference.
    - (void)KST_shuffle;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSObject (KSTExtensions)
     Set and get an arbitrary object associated with the receiver. Convenience property to associate additional objects with the receiver.
    @property (strong,nonatomic,nullable) id KST_representedObject;
     Used in place of a respondsToSelector: check before calling a method that returns void. For example:
     MyClass foo = ...;
     if ([foo respondsToSelector:@selector(bar)]) {
        [foo bar];
     would become:
     MyClass foo = ...;
     [[foo KST_performIfResponds] bar];
    - (instancetype)KST_performIfResponds;
     Used in place of a respondsToSelector: check before calling a method that returns an id value. For example:
     MyClass foo = ...;
     if ([foo respondsToSelector:@selector(baz)]) {
        id retval = [foo baz];
     would become:
     MyClass foo = ...;
     id retval = [[foo KST_performOrReturn:nil] baz];
     @param value The default return value that should be used if the receiver does not respond to the method
     @return Either the return value from the receiver or the default return value
    - (instancetype)KST_performOrReturn:(nullable id)value;
     Used in place of a respondsToSelector: check before calling a method that returns a non-object value (struct, primitive, etc). For example:
     MyClass foo = ...;
     if ([foo respondsToSelector:@selector(boop)]) {
        NSUInteger retval = [foo boop];
     would become:
     MyClass foo = ...;
     NSUInteger retval = [[foo KST_performOrReturnValue:@0] boop];
     @param value The default value that should be used if the receiver does not respond to the method
     @return Either the return value from the receiver or the default return value
    - (instancetype)KST_performOrReturnValue:(nullable NSValue *)value;
     A method for mapping the properties of an NSObject and returning the contents as an NSDictionary
     @param transformer An NSValueTransformer instance for converting the property names/dictionary keys
     @param dateFormatter An NSDateFormatter to format NSDate properties
     @param properties A set of property names to be excluded from the return dictionary
     @return The dictionary representaiton of the object
    - (nullable NSDictionary *)KST_dictionaryWithValueTransformer:(nullable NSValueTransformer *)transformer dateFormatter:(nullable NSDateFormatter *)dateFormatter excludingProperties:(NSSet <NSString *> *)properties;
     A method for populating the properties of an NSObject with a JSON dictionary
     @param dictionary The dictionary representation of the object to populate
     @param dateFormatter An NSDateFormatter to format NSDate properties
     @param transformer An NSValueTrasformer for converting JSON keys to property names
    - (void)KST_setPropertiesWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary <NSString *, id> *)dictionary dateFormatter:(nullable NSDateFormatter *)dateFormatter valueTransformer:(nullable NSValueTransformer *)transformer;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSString (KSTExtensions)
     Creates and returns a reversed string from the receiver.
     @return The reversed string
    - (NSString *)KST_reversedString;
     Create and return a string by removing all characters in the provided *set* from the receiver. This is distinct from stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: which only removes characters at the beginning and end of the receiver.
     For example, [@"+1 (123) 456-7890" KST_stringByRemovingCharactersInSet:NSCharacterSet.decimalDigitCharacterSet.invertedSet] -> @"11234567890".
     @param set The set of characters to remove
     @return The string with characters removed
    - (NSString *)KST_stringByRemovingCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)set;
     Create and return a string by removing characters in the provided *set* from the beginning of the receiver. This is similar to stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:, but only removes characters from the beginning of the receiver.
     @param set The set of characters to remove
     @return The trimmed string
    - (NSString *)KST_stringByTrimmingLeadingCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)set;
     Create and return a string by removing characters in the provided *set* from the end of the receiver. This is similar to stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:, but only removes characters from the end of the receiver.
     @param set The set of characters to remove
     @return The trimmed string
    - (NSString *)KST_stringByTrimmingTrailingCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)set;
     Returns the word within the receiver at the provided *range* or nil. Words are delimited by NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet.
     @param range The range at which to search for a word
     @return The word or nil
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_wordAtRange:(NSRange)range;
     Returns the word within the receiver at the provided *range* or nil. Words are delimited by NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet. The range of the word within the receiver is returned by reference if *outRange* is non-Null.
     @param range The range at which to search for a word
     @param outRange The range of the word within the receiver
     @return The word or nil
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_wordAtRange:(NSRange)range outRange:(nullable NSRangePointer)outRange;
     Creates and returns an NSString representing the SHA1 hash of the receiver.
     @return The NSString hash
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_SHA1String;
     Creates and returns an NSString representing the SHA256 hash of the receiver.
     @return The NSString hash
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_SHA256String;
     Creates and returns an NSString representing the SHA512 hash of the receiver.
     @return The NSString hash
    - (nullable NSString *)KST_SHA512String;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSURL (KSTExtensions)
     Returns the value associated with the NSURLCreationDateKey key.
     @return The associated creation date
    @property (readonly,nonatomic,nullable) NSDate *KST_creationDate;
     Returns the value associated with the NSURLContentModificationDateKey key.
     @return The associated content modification date
    @property (readonly,nonatomic,nullable) NSDate *KST_contentModificationDate;
     Returns the value associated with the NSURLIsDirectoryKey key.
     @return The associated isDirectory value
    @property (readonly,nonatomic) BOOL KST_isDirectory;
     Returns the value associated with the NSURLTypeIdentifierKey key.
     @return The associated type identifier
    @property (readonly,nonatomic,nullable) NSString *KST_typeIdentifier;
     Creates and returns a dictionary with query keys mapping to query values.
     @return The query dictionary
    - (nullable NSDictionary *)KST_queryDictionary;
     Create and return an NSURL with *baseString* and optional query *parameters*.
     @param baseString The base string of the NSURL
     @param parameters Optional parameters dictionary
     @return The NSURL created from *baseString* and *parameters*
    + (nullable NSURL *)KST_URLWithBaseString:(NSString *)baseString parameters:(nullable NSDictionary *)parameters;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface NSURLRequest (KSTExtensions)
     Returns `[self KST_URLRequestWithURL:URL HTTPMethod:HTTPMethod HTTPHeaderFields:nil]`.
     @param URL The URL for the request
     @param HTTPMethod The HTTP method for the request
     @return The request
    + (NSURLRequest *)KST_URLRequestWithURL:(NSURL *)URL HTTPMethod:(KSTHTTPMethod)HTTPMethod;
     Creates and returns an `NSURLRequest` instance with the provided *URL*, *HTTPMethod* and *HTTPHeaderFields*.
     @param URL The URL for the request
     @param HTTPMethod The HTTP method for the request
     @param HTTPHeaderFields The HTTP header fields for the request
     @return The request
    + (NSURLRequest *)KST_URLRequestWithURL:(NSURL *)URL HTTPMethod:(KSTHTTPMethod)HTTPMethod HTTPHeaderFields:(nullable NSDictionary<KSTHTTPHeaderField, NSString *> *)HTTPHeaderFields;